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Jon has enjoyed training over the past 17 years. Over the past several years he has received his NRA Basic Pistol Instructor Certification, Rangemaster Instructor Certification (Tom Givens), Advanced Rangemaster Instructor (Tom Givens), Deadly Force Instructor Certification (Massad Ayoob), Instructor Diagnostics (Tim Herron), Modern Samurai Project- Red Dot Instructor Training (Scott Jedlinski). He has also trained at Gunsite, Langdon Tactical (Ernest Langdon), Handgun Combative- Kinetic) Dave Spaulding, Active Shooter and Threat Response Training (Last Resort Firearms),  Sheepdog Response (Tim Kennedy), Haley Strategic, Trident Concepts- Rifle (Jeff Gonzalez), Precision Rifle 101 (Safemind Defense), Introduction to Long Range Shooting (Modern Day Rifleman), Fundmentals of Markmanship for Long Range Shooting (Modern Day Rifleman) and Ghost Ring Tactical (Urban, Tactical/Rifle, Lone Operator/Rifle).  He loves to teach and loves to see his students grow in their shooting ability and defensive mindset.


LOW LIGHT SHOOTING- NEW CLASS!- Coming in September 20


There is good probability that a self defense scenario will take place in low light. Whether it be at home when lights are out or in the evening at a gas station; the scenarios are numerous. In this class we learn about every day carry flashlights and their lumens and candelas (and the difference between the two). We will learn different methods of deploying the flashlight with a firearm in hand and practice live fire in different lighting scenarios. Requires 200 rounds of ammunition, your carry firearm, a good belt, holster, ear protection, eye protection, brimmed hat and a handheld tactical flashlight (weapons mounted light highly recommended but not required). I prefer Streamlight Macrostream or Microstream, or Surefire EDC or Stiletto. Class will be part lecture and majority live fire.


This is for individuals who desire more individual training to improve their handgun skills- if interested email

$75 per hour



This 8- hour class will  develop mindset, important equipment, legal issues, gun handling and dry/live fire. We will spend time at the range in  dry fire (a very important discipline) and  live fire (150 rounds at most) developing skills to draw from holster and shooting the gun accurately.  Meets Saturday 8:00am-4:00pm available calendar dates (


$150 per person (This does not cover the cost of the permit if you choose to get one)


Just bought a handgun and want to learn how safely carry and use it? Has it been a while since you last practiced or had range time? This range session, led by At The Ready Instructors, will teach you the fundamentals of the handgun.  To reserve a spot (non-refundable) click "Book Online" above at the Home Menu.


This range/coaching time is for those who have had regular time behind a pistol and want to advance in their skills learning how to shoot with accuracy quickly. We will also learn to shoot accurately while moving, and from cover and concealment. Continue to look at website for upcoming dates. To reserve a spot (non-fundable) click "Book Online" above at the Home Menu. 

Other Services-  Basic Carbine and Precision Rife

(Pricing is same as private 480-229-0664 for more information)


  • Zeroing your Rifle

  • Measuring Muzzle Velocity

  • Finding Your Precision Rifle Gun Number (aka Wind Number)

  • Fundamentals of Marksmanship

  • Scope Set Up




Thanks for submitting!

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